Rinjani ReflectionsA common perception people have of mountain hikers is that when these hikers return home, they suddenly become (or at least appear) full of…Aug 24, 2022Aug 24, 2022
Observations about Management from Sarri’s Tenure at JuventusLast night Juventus won 2–1 against Olympique Lyon, yet the result left a bitter taste on the lips of all Juventini as Juve was still…Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020
Writing in ExileI think it is safe to say that we are now living in a once-in-a-lifetime period. Four months have passed since we have to stay at home for…Jul 24, 2020Jul 24, 2020
Traveloka and the WorldI officially resigned from Traveloka last Friday, ending my tenure at exactly three years. There were many stories and views that I would…Jun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020
Many Things in Life are in CyclesThis week is the Indonesian version of golden week — called Lebaran — when most people come home to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr. I also use…Jun 16, 2019Jun 16, 2019
Walking Between Water Guns in BangkokI did a solo trip to Bangkok from 11 to 16 April for Songkran festival that happened from 13th to 15th. This was my first visit to Bangkok…May 4, 2019May 4, 2019
Closing 2018 with reflectionsI started writing this on Christmas, which means the end of the year has come. Every year, this period becomes the opportunity for us to…Dec 31, 2018Dec 31, 2018
Praticare il mio italiano, un post alla voltaSono stati sei mesi dal mio viaggio in Italia quando ho viaggiato da Torino fino a Palermo. Originalmente ho voluto andare in Italia per…Dec 9, 2018Dec 9, 2018
Published inEasyreadAktivitas Harian Product ManagerMengetahui apa saja yang dilakukan seorang Product Manager sehari-harinyaOct 8, 20183Oct 8, 20183
Published inEasyreadAplikasi Penunjang Pekerjaan Product ManagerPekerjaan seorang Product Manager (PM) sehari-harinya sangat dinamis. Rapat dengan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders), rapat harian dengan…Oct 1, 20181Oct 1, 20181